Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Summer....why must you leave us???

Summer....oh how I wish you would last longer. I am not looking forward to the cold. It would seem we'll have an earlier winter then last year. It's been cold already. It feels as if Fall is right on it's way. I am not at all excited about this. Nothing we can do though, but endure. 
       We spend Labor Day up at my parents Cabin in Gilmore. We haven't been there for three years and it was nice to see what had changed and what had stayed the same. Gilmore is an old mining town. There is a beautiful lake up on the mountain that provides a nice fishing hole. Little David was able to fish for the first time. His Uncle Allen taught him. David was having a blast! Even though the fish were biting he wasn't able to catch anything. We did however have a fun time watching a little chipmunk play in the tree next to us. The kids sat and watched the little guy come out and eat the food they put down for him. 
       I'm not a big camper, but this trip seemed to be a very relaxing one. The children were able to play with their cousins and us adults were able to sit and visit. It's nice having the children grow up and see that they're capable of playing with out constant supervision. 
It was a great weekend, however the mountain's were a bit cold. The nights were freezing and the constant cool wind wasn't the funnest. But still, it was a nice get away. The last day we were there we took all the kids on a walk through the old mining town. They got to look at all the old buildings and hear the fun little stories. We did have to be a little careful though. The had been some bear sighting's a few weeks earlier, with a bear tearing into cooler's full of food and such. So we didn't venture to far into the wooded area's. We hadn't thought to bring a gun with us for the walk, so we just stayed on the safer trails. Which worked best for the children. 
Cabin where a dead man was found. 
The Historical Society has been working very hard at preserving the old buildings. They've braced them up and reframed some that were falling down. They even went as far as fencing some of the more dangerous buildings off so no one could enter. At lot had changed in just three years. I forgot my camera, so these photo's are from 2007. Most of the buildings look the same, while some are worse off. The winter snow has done it's damage on the weaker buildings. It's sad to see them falling apart, but I suppose that is how things are. 

The inside of the cabin from above. 
This photo to the right is an old cabin that they fixed. The put the wall back up and reframed the inside of it. This building has a sad story to it. Two boy's from Idaho Falls, killed their father and brought him up to Gilmore and buried him inside this cabin. They didn't bury him that deep and a bear smelled his body. The Bear came down and found the dead man and dragged him out of the cabin. The police found the remains and the boy's I believe are now in jail. The picture of the hole inside the cabin is where the boy's buried their father.

A few other photo's of the Town of Gilmore.

This building is laying flat now, just a pile of wood!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Bobcat down....Wolf to go.

Last night was David jr.'s first offical Pack Meeting. He has loved being in scouts and has been working his little heart out to get things passed off. He was able to get his Bobcat patch last night and is so very excited about it. When we got home he's like,  "Okay Mom, how many more things do I need to do to get my Wolf patch." His goal is to get it by the next pack meeting. I told him he doesn't have to accomplish everything so quickly, but he's determined. He is close to receiving his gold arrowhead patch though. Just two more to sign off and he's passed his first ten. I can tell we're going to be very busy with this whole "scouting" thing all summer! :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

King and Queen of the "dirt pile".

Since having the top soil brought in, our kids have found it to be the best part of the yard.  Joshie and Khandi Kane have been spend the day out there. Rain or shine they're determined to play in the dirt!!!
I remember being a little girl and loving to play in the dirt piles that my dad had made. The adventures that awaited us...tunnels and dirt houses for various toys.  The kids have enjoyed pulling each other up and down the hill with the wagon. Sadly the wagon being old finally broke and no more of that game. LOL...oh well at least it was fun while it lasted.

Joshua showing off his big muscles. What a fun group of kids.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Age of Accountability....

On May 1, 2010 David jr. chose to be baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. David is the oldest child in the family and his decision made us so very proud. Here he is with his father on that special day. I must say, those two boys look darn good all dressed in white.
A funny little story at the beginning of this event was when David jr. saw his Dad all in white he remarked, "Dad, that's about as white as you'll ever get." We all laughed, that toad man can be so funny at times. 

David Jr was so nervous and excited all at once. We helped take the nerves away by making him stand and smile for a million photo's, he was a good sport through it all. 

One of the better pictures of our Family before
 we had to go and sit down for the service to begin.
From left to right : Shiera, Shaleen, Joshua, David Jr, Khandi and David Sr.

Granny and Papa with the Toad Man! This is their second grandson to be baptized.                                                                    

Grandpa Alvarez, Toad Man, and Aunt Mariela. Grandma Alvarez wasn't able to make it because she had to work. So we took lots of pictures so she would be able to look and see what happened on his special day.

Uncle Tyson, Aunt Sabrina, Syrena, T'leese, Tyson jr., Shirlynn and T'Kierra with David Jr. We're so glad they made it to celebrate his special day with him.
They're all so cute and dear to our hearts!!! Thanks Walker Family, we love you!!!!!

This is Uncle Josh Johnson with David Jr. Josh and David Sr. have been friends forever!!!! We've dubbed him "uncle Josh" and the kids just love him and he's always there to support the important stuff.

Oh and this is David with his"Mommy"...or is he getting to old for that??? Mommy doesn't think so. He will always be her little boy, no matter how old he gets.

After David was baptized we had Uncle Tyson go and get a picture of him all wet!!! The man of the hour folks, "David Alvarez Jr."

He was freezing and totally ready to get back into his dry church clothes. But even though he's all soaking wet, I'd have to say he's still so darn cute!!!

David was baptized and confirmed by his father. These are the worthy Priesthood holders that were able to attend and stand in the circle.

Bishop Hall, David Sr, David Jr, Papa, Uncle Tyson and Uncle Josh

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Surprise, Surprise!

Got a phone call at 6:30 am from Jefferson School district stating that school had been cancelled due to extreme weather conditions. So I got off the phone and turned on the news...4 inches of snow in most places plus a wind of 30 miles an hour. School are closing all over the place. So I thought I'd check on the animals. Every pet accounted for and doing well.
I opened the front door to find snow every where...the kids are loving and are begging to go play outside. Maybe later this afternoon when the winds die down. As for right now, it's a indoor kinda day. Not planning on running all my errands like I had wanted too. Not worth it to drive with crummy road conditions. David Sr.  is suppose to be heading home today, I hope he is careful in his travels. Well Gizzy Mo is throwing a fit and wants back until next time. Everyone stay warm and enjoy this lovely Tuesday.  

Monday, April 5, 2010

It went away...then it came back!

The snow just doesn't want to melts away...then the sky opens up and more flakes fall. This afternoon it rained and rained....what a surprise I got when I opened the door to feed the cats. SNOW. AGAIN. 
Why can't we just have a normal know rain, mud puddles, partial sunny days full of breezes. Not snow...snow...and more snow. If you haven't noticed I'm not the biggest fan of snow. Don't get me wrong, I love the look and feeling the white fluffy stuff brings but I'm just ready for summer to come. Being able to play in the park with out heavy coats and boots. I'm thinking that Boots, our cat, is also ready for summer. He kept trying to come inside...even with his food in front of him. Poor Frosty, our other cat, wouldn't leave the shelter of her cat house. She isn't fond of this wet white stuff floating everywhere. Well happy April everyone!!! Maybe we'll have the good fortune of fuller river's and streams this year when it all melts away. :o) I guess we can find a positive in anything...when we have too! :P
Look at all those snowflakes falling around our little boots...I wasn't willing to walk all the way out into it and feed him in his dish, so I just dumped his food in the snow. I'm sure he won't mind! :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

       It's Easter time already, so far 2010 has just flown by. I'm so amazed by how quickly time flies. We spent the weekend at Granny & Papa's. The kids loved the sleep over, in fact they really didn't want to go home. Mommy however needed to get home and get laundry going and get stuff ready for Monday. 
       The Easter Bunny was able to come and visit the kids, everyone was so happy to see him, well everyone except Khandi Kane! She was TOTALLY freaked out. She was screaming and totally panicking. The moment the easter bunny walked through the door she took off into the kitchen. That poor little girl has always been terrified of him, I wonder if it'll ever change. Maybe next year!!!! 
       David Sr. wasn't able to make it home for Easter, he is still working in California. The kids and I really really missed him. I think it helped the kids staying at Granny's place. I honestly felt lost with out David by my side, he is such a help to me...we are the best team! So without him...I just didn't get everything accomplished that I wanted and I didn't get any photo's. Thank heavens for family, they all had their cameras so I'll have to go and borrow memory cards and then download them on my computer. :o) When I get those pictures, I'll gladly post!!!  
So Happy Easter everyone, may your day be a nice an peaceful one.

Friday, April 2, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

We have been having some totally crazy April weather, it's like the Heavens played a big April Fools joke on the land. We thought spring was on it's way...the snow was gone and the normal spring showers were here. Then suddenly out of no where, Snow! It all happen yesterday...we awoke to winds and rain..then hail....then snow, back to rain, then snow...then a thunderstorm, in the middle of the snow storm. Very strange! Then everything stopped...just muddy puddles from the snow melting..then closer to the evening it began to snow, it snowed...and snowed...and snowed! Lets just say we could bring out the winter boots and sleds. Time for frolicking in the snow! And to just think, I just packed all the winter boots and coats away. The joys of living in the Western United States. Crazy weather all year round.
We're now just wondering, will it be gone by Saturday?? Our Hansen Annual Easter Egg hunt will be on Saturday. We're thinking kids will be hunting eggs in the snow...unless we find a building big enough for 12 rug rats to race around and find brightly colored eggs filled with goodies.
One thing is for sure, I'm sure the "player" of the Easter Bunny won't mind the cool breeze coming from this lovely weather. I've heard it get's a little hot in all that fur! :o) My only disappointment is that I haven't a photo to post so you could see all the fluffy white covering the trees and ground. My camera is not with me...darn it all. Maybe later! :o)

Friday, March 26, 2010

The weekend is Finally here....ahhhhhhh!

Well it is finally Friday...the day of the week we all just love.  The kids were way excited because tonight their two cousins were able to spend the night. Sarah went to Utah for a dress fitting...her niece is getting married so they're picking out the dresses. So she let Alaysha and Drennin stay over. I tell you what, it's been a hyper roller coaster since 3pm. They've been having a ball that is for sure. :o)
This is Alaysha, Joshua (on the floor under the blanket), David and Drennin. They were pretending that Joshua was a ghost, so he was chasing them around the house. His costume was a purple Tinker Bell blanket. they were having the best of times. I am actually really happy they stayed over. The kid's daddy went back to California for a week or so and they were really missing him. So this has been a nice distraction from the whole 'Daddy is gone' feeling floating around the house. 
     Our evening is not over yet though...we've got movies and popcorn awaiting us. I'm hoping all this hyper activity will wear them down that when the movie starts, their eye lids will softly close and off to dream land they will go. I am totally crossing my fingers that it will happen that smoothly. However I am a realist and I do know exactly how children work....when it all gets quiet, suddenly they'll realize whats happening and well...I'm sure you know where we'll end up. :o) 

Thursday, March 25, 2010

2nd Grade Singing Program

Toad had his first school program last night. He was way excited and kept reminding me all afternoon that we had to be there by 6:30pm. He had a speaking part which he was WAY excited about also. There were a total of five second grade classes and he was proud that he got picked to tell a little story before the last song of the evening was sang. I think he did an amazing job and we are just so proud of our little toad man...a.k.a. David Jr.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Love At Home

 Family night went wonderful...we sang some songs, played a game and built an easter house out of Short Bread.   Thought it would be fitting to build a house when we talked about love at home.  The kids had so much fun...we got lots of pictures.
Our house kept falling because lovely Shiera kept trying to eat the walls. But it was still fun...

Family Night!

It's again Monday and I am suppose to have some fun little family home evening thingy ma jig planned out. I decided that since my wonderful (most of the time) children have been having an extremely hard time getting along as of lately.  Maybe just maybe a lesson on 'Love at Home' would be most appropriate. Now I must admit, while searching the internet for some stories and a fun little object lesson I have failed miserably on the whole 'Love at Home' theory. I have raised my voice quite a few times, said some hurtful things, spanked, which I rarely do if ever, and made my little girl cry. So I ask, is this showing 'Love at Home'? Uh..No, I don't think so. So maybe this lesson will do good for Mommy and Daddy as well as the kids. 

Finally got what he wanted....

One of the fun little..or should I say "big" things that David got for his birthday was something he's been wanting for a long....long....long....long....long time. I am pretty sure that most men, if they don't already have it, want one of these. Or something like it.
It seemed as if everything worked out just right this year and I was able to do this is us bragging just a "LOT"...David is so excited so I had to post it. :o)
(Yes that is New Moon playing on this here T.V. for all you Twilight fans out there.)
David with his 47" Philips television.  He was just so happy and proud

Happy Birthday "Super" Dave.

To my real live SuperMan...Happy Birthday!  David was so excited about his cake he wanted to just eat it all up. :o) What a character he is...he may be getting older but he is still young at heart. We hope you have a great day Big D.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Re-doing the Kitchen Chairs.

Back in September we received 6 chairs from a Cafe that had went out of business. They didn't look too terribly ugly so we washed them up and they've worked out great. But I decided that a new look would be fun to create. So here is my project for the day, although I may have bitten off more then I can chew. ;o)

The way the chair looked before the remodel. See they're not bad at all....and when they're free, I will never complain. :o) Thanks JD PAW!!!
Taking apart the chairs...pretty easy to do that. Here it is with out a seat.
There is the we just need to measure the material and the plastic cover and we're ready to start.
I used half of a half yard for each seat. I also purchased clear plastic from wal-mart in the material section and used 1/2 of a half yard. That way if the kids spill anything I won't have to worry about it ruining my new seats. Just wipe and go. :) Gotta love that. I also used a stapler to reattach the material and plastic cover.
Then I just stapled the material and plastic to the seat, making sure it is pulled tight and that there is no lumps or bumps any where.
Once all the sides are stapled and done, flip it over and ta da...a new seat cover. Nice and pretty. :) At least I like it. ;o)

The next step is giving the chair a new look. Since my chairs are all metal I decided to spray paint them a different color. The creamy white was to boring for my taste, so I picked a nice Carmel Latte color. It matched my material perfectly and I think it turned out quiet nice. :)
(just ignore the back yard has no grass. (yet))
The Finished product, look how nice. :) So glad I did this. You can see the Carmel color better indoors. So it adds a nice effect in the kitchen. :) This whole project cost around 30 dollars, which isn't bad at all. It could be cheaper/expensive depending on the material and the thickness of the plastic cover that you choose. Also if you have wooden chairs there is no need to purchase the spray paint. So there you have it. Now I just need to finish the other 5 chairs.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Exhausting, Exhilarating, and So worth it!!

Day 3 of potty training and little Shiera has shown so much improvement. Shiera woke up at 6 am to go to the bathroom and then again at 8 am. She was dry both times, which makes me grin from ear to ear. Yesterday was full of tears and hating to stay on the potty. A constant fight!!! However today has been wonderful. Shiera decided that she was a big girl and needed to do everything herself.

I was sweeping when I noticed she had taken off her underwear and pants and was headed to the potty. I followed her and she climbed onto the potty and went. When she finished she clapped and said, "yay, done!" I was so excited I had to call her Daddy and her Granny to tell them what a big girl she is being.  :o)

Since then Shiera hasn't needed any reminders to go potty, she just strips down and runs to the potty. :o) I am so thankful, our Heavenly Father truly answers prayers. I am praying that tomorrow will be just as good. I just wonder how she'll do when we finally venture down town. That is always the nerve racking part, running errands with a potty training child. You never know if an accident is around the corner. I probably need to purchase some pull ups for outings like that. :o)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 2 of Potty Training.

 I figured I would give you a small glimpse into my day. It's much more fun then just reading about it, Enjoy!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Potty Training Day 1

Decided that since it's time to rebuy the diapers I should just break down and potty train Shiera. She's been showing interest in it for awhile now, but I've just been lazy about it. So, I figured if I had no more diapers then I can't be lazy right. Oh boy....what have I got myself into. :) So far today has had its ups and downs. Several accidents but more success. I just hope Shiera holds onto her enthusiasm and wants to stick with it. :) We're in for the long haul folks.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Swimming in the Garden tub....

Khandi has been begging to go swimming...she'll put her swimming suit on and run around the house. Unfortunately she does get into trouble for this, so today I decided why not let her swim in the garden tub! Maybe then she'll mellow out a bit until summer. :o) Who knows...
"Uh-Oh...we got water everywhere!!! Isn't it great!!!!!"

Khandi Kane, Shi, and Joshie

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A simpler look....according to Joshua

This is Joshua's favorite look on Daisy. He says, "Daisy looks like the little girl puppy (Rose bud) on the movie, Air Buddies."
I'm thinking he's right! :) Daisy looks so pretty with a flower in her hair.

Dressing up Daisy...

Tyson this is for you, proof of what poor Daisy goes through on a daily basis....The finished product! Daisy is just perfect now, according to Khandi.
Side View....
Front View
One more bow...
Shiera and Khandi getting Daisy all pretty...if you look closely you'll see makeup above Daisy's eyes.

Friday, February 19, 2010

I have a question...

What should one do with a SCREAMING child???? Not only does she scream, she the boys all the time!!! I've had it....but am at a loss of what to do?? She's impossible at the moment...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Big D is home...

So Big D got home around 4am on Wednesday. Miss Daisy just didn't care for his sneaking in at that time. Her bark is actually quite scary when she wants it to be. Not use to a big dog barking beside my bed. Little Gizzie-Mo barks all the time, needless to say his bark is in no way scary...poor tiny dog!!!! Jewel was a big dog...but not a big barker. When she barked, you new something was wrong! How I miss that girl...

So hubby is home, safe and sound. It's so nice having him here. The kids were way excited to see him. Khandi instantly wanted to wrestle and play. So after getting everyone back into bed....Toad had school in the morning...we all drifted off to sleep....did I mention the kids had to share our bed.  (Next time, I'm so investing in a King size bed).

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Fresh fruit and Veggies for cheep!

Look what I got for 23.00 dollars today...yeah me!!!

Bountiful Baskets Co-Op!
1 bag of spinach, 2 butter neck squash, 8 corn, 6 yams, 2 limes, 2 lemons, 1 cucumber, 1 grapefruit, 8 bananas, 1 honey dew melon, 1 container strawberries, 1 pineapple, 4 pummelo's, 7 tomatoes, a bunch of tangerines, & 7 apples.
I'd say I did pretty good....thanks Sabrina for hooking me up with all these yummy foods. :o)

Saturday's are so fun...

Spent the day with extended family. The kids played out in the snow with sleds. They really really enjoyed their cousins. When the cold was too much to bare, they came inside and with Granny's help everyone made Valentines for their parents. It's so cute seeing their artistic abilities.
Dad came out to my house today and used the tractor to plow the driveway. He did an awesome job...I think he enjoys any excuse to play on his tractor. I went out to snap some photo's but he was finished by the time I had thought of it. The kids are in heaven...playing on all the snow hills. Daisy had fun playing with them too...she ran all over the place chasing them and jumping in the snow. A few times the kids would lay down and she would go and lay with them. Silly dog and silly children make a cute picture, but there again I left the camera inside...oops!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentines Party...

David with his awesome Elephant made completely out of hearts.