Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Surprise, Surprise!

Got a phone call at 6:30 am from Jefferson School district stating that school had been cancelled due to extreme weather conditions. So I got off the phone and turned on the news...4 inches of snow in most places plus a wind of 30 miles an hour. School are closing all over the place. So I thought I'd check on the animals. Every pet accounted for and doing well.
I opened the front door to find snow every where...the kids are loving and are begging to go play outside. Maybe later this afternoon when the winds die down. As for right now, it's a indoor kinda day. Not planning on running all my errands like I had wanted too. Not worth it to drive with crummy road conditions. David Sr.  is suppose to be heading home today, I hope he is careful in his travels. Well Gizzy Mo is throwing a fit and wants back inside....so until next time. Everyone stay warm and enjoy this lovely Tuesday.  


  1. Wow, a snow day in April. I'm sure the kids are LOVING it! LOL! I agree about the "typical" spring weather. I wish our weather would make up it's mind too. Today it's 85 and tomorrow it's supposed to be like 55. :( But, at least it's not snow... Ooops, sorry. Love ya, and enjoy your day inside.

  2. LOL...your cute!!! We LOVED our day indoors. We built forts out of the kitchen chairs and had a picnic in the living room..then we had a dance party and jammed out to the Gummy Bear songs. It was a nice afternoon...we sorta just forgot about the snow looming out our front door. Maybe it'll be all melted this weekend.

    I would love to have 85 degree weather, your so lucky. But yes I do agree with you on everything concerning the weather. It's just going crazy every where. Maybe May will be better. :) Love ya too and have a great night.
