Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Summer....why must you leave us???

Summer....oh how I wish you would last longer. I am not looking forward to the cold. It would seem we'll have an earlier winter then last year. It's been cold already. It feels as if Fall is right on it's way. I am not at all excited about this. Nothing we can do though, but endure. 
       We spend Labor Day up at my parents Cabin in Gilmore. We haven't been there for three years and it was nice to see what had changed and what had stayed the same. Gilmore is an old mining town. There is a beautiful lake up on the mountain that provides a nice fishing hole. Little David was able to fish for the first time. His Uncle Allen taught him. David was having a blast! Even though the fish were biting he wasn't able to catch anything. We did however have a fun time watching a little chipmunk play in the tree next to us. The kids sat and watched the little guy come out and eat the food they put down for him. 
       I'm not a big camper, but this trip seemed to be a very relaxing one. The children were able to play with their cousins and us adults were able to sit and visit. It's nice having the children grow up and see that they're capable of playing with out constant supervision. 
It was a great weekend, however the mountain's were a bit cold. The nights were freezing and the constant cool wind wasn't the funnest. But still, it was a nice get away. The last day we were there we took all the kids on a walk through the old mining town. They got to look at all the old buildings and hear the fun little stories. We did have to be a little careful though. The had been some bear sighting's a few weeks earlier, with a bear tearing into cooler's full of food and such. So we didn't venture to far into the wooded area's. We hadn't thought to bring a gun with us for the walk, so we just stayed on the safer trails. Which worked best for the children. 
Cabin where a dead man was found. 
The Historical Society has been working very hard at preserving the old buildings. They've braced them up and reframed some that were falling down. They even went as far as fencing some of the more dangerous buildings off so no one could enter. At lot had changed in just three years. I forgot my camera, so these photo's are from 2007. Most of the buildings look the same, while some are worse off. The winter snow has done it's damage on the weaker buildings. It's sad to see them falling apart, but I suppose that is how things are. 

The inside of the cabin from above. 
This photo to the right is an old cabin that they fixed. The put the wall back up and reframed the inside of it. This building has a sad story to it. Two boy's from Idaho Falls, killed their father and brought him up to Gilmore and buried him inside this cabin. They didn't bury him that deep and a bear smelled his body. The Bear came down and found the dead man and dragged him out of the cabin. The police found the remains and the boy's I believe are now in jail. The picture of the hole inside the cabin is where the boy's buried their father.

A few other photo's of the Town of Gilmore.

This building is laying flat now, just a pile of wood!